Our company got its start 13 years ago when son came to me asking what he can do for missions. Through prayer, and thought we determined to grow and/or purchase pumpkins to make puree and then bake sweet treats to sale, and give 100% of proceeds to missions which Darian decided he needed to support. Over the years we have expanded.
Passion for Sweet Treats
We have a passion for sweet treats of many kinds. Cheesecake, bread, fudge, cake, cookies, and so much more.
Dog Treats
We do not forget our furry family who love treats, either. They deserve the sweet tastes of life, too.
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Have you tried our cheesecakes yet?
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Please note that our sugar-free items are priced higher than regular baked goods due to the premium ingredients and additional production processes required to create them. We strive to offer high-quality, delicious alternatives, and appreciate your understanding and support!